Sosialisasi Pencegahan Penularan Covid 19 Melalui Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Program “5 M” Di Pesantren Raudhatul Jannah Ateuk Jawo Kota Banda Aceh

Akhyar , Zamzami Teuku Muhammad Barmawi , Cut Dewi Utari , Maiza Monica , Rahmawati , Lisa Novita


Abstract: It has been almost 2 years since the COVID-19 pandemic is still endemic throughout the
world, including in Aceh Province. This indication is shown by the increase in morbidity and
mortality caused by the pandemic. More stringent prevention efforts have been carried out starting
from the implementation of the 5M health care program to the implementation of community activity
restrictions (PPKM). The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various aspects of people's
social life, including educational activities. Formal education activities in educational institutions
from elementary schools to universities have implemented online learning to eliminate crowds of
students in one room. However, the learning process in non-formal educational institutions is
different, such as in Islamic boarding schools. In Islamic boarding schools, they do not apply online
learning processes and remain active in educating the community during this pandemic. The
Raudhtul Jannah Islamic Boarding School held activities aimed at increasing the religious values
of the community, including recitation of mothers, and night remembrance. These activities will
result in gatherings of people who are thought to trigger the spread of COVID-19. Therefore,
through this Real Work Lecture (KKN) the 5M program was socialized in the Pasantren
environment. The purpose of the socialization is to make the community aware and familiarize them
with implementing the 5M program both in the pesantren environment and in other environments
when they are there, and they can be socialized in that environment. Based on the results of the
socialization that has been carried out that the people who enter the area of the Raudhtul Jannah
Ateuk Jawo Islamic Boarding School in Banda Aceh City have complied with the health protocol by
implementing the 5M program.

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Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2020