Pembuatan Tepung Ubi sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Perekonomian Petani Ubi Saree, Aceh Besar

Sofyana , Farid Mulana, Pocut Nurul Alam , Zuhra , Sri Mulyati , Cut Delsie Hasrina


Abstract: Saree Aceh Village in Lembah Seulawah District is one of the villages in Saree, that has
a fertile agricultural area because it is located around Seulawah mountains. Cassava is one of the
famous products of agricultural at this area. So far, farmers only sold cassava to cassava crisps
producer. During harvest season, the amount of cassava produced will be abundant, while it can
only be stored for couple days. If it is saved longer, the cassava can change its color and taste and
it will decompose. Therefore, the use of cassavas as raw material for producing cassava flour is a
great effort to help the farmers. The purpose of this project is to develop the cassava farmers in an
effort to utilize their agricultural products to become more economically valuable by producing
cassavas flour. The process of making cassava flour begins with experiments carried out in the
laboratory and has produced cassava flour. The first step of this activity was designing equipment
to produce flour, then providing knowledge of the process of making the flour and followed by
practicing of making cassava flour and the last step was packaging activity. Participants of the
activities look very enthusiastic about the explanations given by the presenter. The process of
making cassava flour is a simple process, so that partners who are farmer groups even with lower
secondary education can do it. The production of cassava flour includes preliminary processing,
which are washing, peeling and crushing process, then the starch extraction of cassava, which are
filtering, settling and purification process, and finally drying. After changing to dry flour with
suitable moisture content for storage, packaging is carried out..

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Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2020