Pelatihan Peningkatan Minat Anak-Anak Desa Gla Meunasah Baro Aceh Besar Terhadap Perikanan Dengan Pembuatan Sistem Akuaponik Sederhana Dalam Ember

Agus Naufal. Noviasan, Muhammad Dimas, Alfiansyah, Riska Nanda, Rivan Vebrian, Fajri Mashudi, Azwar Thaib, Nurhayati, Suraiya


Abstract: Most school learning is done at home during the pandemic, causing children to have a lot of free time so they look for alternative activities. Easy access to the digital world makes some children prefer to play online games compared to other positive things. increasing children's interest in fisheries by making a simple aquaponic system in a bucket aims to fill children's spare time and increase children's love of fishing. The aquaponics system using buckets was chosen because of how easy it is to make, at an affordable cost so that every child can make it themselves. This training was carried out by practicing the making of an aquaponic system in a bucket in front of the children of Gla Meunasah Baro Village. The results of the participant satisfaction questionnaire showed an increase in children's love for fisheries, as well as an increase in knowledge of making aquaponic systems in buckets. The results of the questionnaire also showed a high level of satisfaction of the children, both on the criteria for the suitability of the material with the needs of the participants, as well as on the criteria for the suitability of the activities with the expectations of the participants. This indicates a high level of satisfaction from the trainees' children.

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Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2020