Lindawati Lindawati, Alaisyi Alaisyi, Ahmad Zamakari, Muhammad Ali Murtaza


Web Gampong is a website designed for all villages in the Aceh Province, with the purpose of disseminating public information within these villages. Community engagement activities are carried out to assist the Durung village government in effectively utilizing Web Gampong for the provision of village-related information to the public efficiently. The methodology for community engagement includes stages such as observation, data collection, data input, and data presentation on the Web Gampong platform. Based on the observation results, it has been found that there is a Web Gampong site provided by the Aceh Government for the village of Durung. However, it has not been activated yet. Once activated, the Web Gampong Durung site will be usable for inputting and publishing information and news related to the village of Durung. The utilization of the Web Gampong site can optimize the presentation of public information regarding Gampong Durung, accessible anywhere and anytime by users.


Durung Village, Public Information, Website, Web Gampong

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Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2020