Pengaruh Pemberian Penyuluhan Tentang Bahaya Narkoba, Pergaulan Bebas dan Gadget Terhadap Pengetahuan Siswa MAN 1 Aceh Besar

Pasyamei Rembune Kala, Putri Raisah, Taufiq Karma, Wildan Seni, Feri Saputra, Nurmila Nurmila


Abstract: Humans are social creatures that always keep up with the times and technology in interacting and communicating. One of the most advanced communication tools today is a gadget where there are interesting features that make it easier for children to fall into promiscuity and drugs. The importance of monitoring children in using gadgets is supported by good parental knowledge about parenting for the future of their children. The use of gadgets in students can be prevented by counseling in the hope that students can stay away from drugs, promiscuity and manage time in using gedget. Design research with pre expriemental desaign type One Group pretest-posttest desaign. A sample of 19 people. Sampling with simple total sampling. The data obtained was analyzed using the Paired Simple T-Test statistical test with a degree of meaning (0.05). The results of the study data collection of the majority of respondents' knowledge before counseling entered the high category as many as 10 students (52%), most of the respondents' knowledge after counseling entered the category increased by 19 students (94%). The results of univariate analysis showed p-value = 0.00, meaning that there is an influence between counseling knowledge to students about the dangers of gadgets, promiscuity and the dangers of drugs in MAN 1 Class XII Aceh Besar. Advice that can be recommended for researchers to examine the influence of parental guidance on the risks of using gadgets in children.

Keywords: Dangers of Gadget, Promiscuity, Drugs

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Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2021