Pengaruh Arang Bambu Terhadap Daya Adsorpsi Air Limbah Merkuri Dari Penambang Emas

Siti Rani, Yayu Angriani, Wildan Seni


Bamboo charcoal is made from biomass with a porous structure. Research on the effect of bamboo charcoal on the adsorption capacity of mercury wastewater from gold miners has been carried out. Bamboo charcoal was previously activated using NaOH, and mercury levels using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The research location is the Kesling Room of the Faculty of Public Health, Abulyatama University and the Laboratory of the Research and Industrial Standardization Center. This study aims to examine the characteristics of bamboo charcoal and its effectiveness as adsorption power in mercury wastewater, to determine the effect of bamboo charcoal on the adsorption capacity of mercury wastewater and to determine the process of distillation of bamboo charcoal to mercury wastewater. The results showed that bamboo charcoal was effective and successful in reducing mercury levels in wastewater. So that bamboo charcoal is included in a source of great potential to reduce mercury levels in wastewater.


bamboo charcoal, mercury wastewater, adsorption, gold miners

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