Pengaruh Arang Bambu Terhadap Daya Adsorpsi Air Limbah Merkuri Dari Penambang Emas

Dini Rahmiyani, Lensoni Lensoni


Suspended solids (total suspended solids) are all solids, whether sand, mud or clay or suspended particles in other water, which can be in the form of biotic components such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria or abiotic components, with this research it is hoped that we can understand about that influence. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of dissolved solids in gold miner's liquid waste. The research design used in this study is an experimental method with field practice and also qualitative analysis. The sample in this study were 4 samples. The sampling technique used is the result of the sample test. The results of the analysis showed that from each sampling point, it was found that the TSS levels at the sample points AH MH 1, AH MH 3, and AH MH 2 were not consecutively detected, only AB MB sample was detected. The observation point in AB MB 1 sample passed the threshold set by the Decree of the State Minister of the Environment Number 202 of 2004. Concerning the Quality Standard of wastewater for businesses and/or mining activities of gold and/or copper, which is 200 mg/L.


Arang bambu, zat padat, limbah cair

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