Kelayakan Jalur Evakuasi SDN 27 Banda Aceh

Wildan Seni, Najwa Razita Amani


Like most schools located in the lowlands and coastal areas, SDN 27 Banda Aceh is located in an area prone to flood and tsunami disasters. The tsunami incident on December 26, 2004 had a direct impact on this school with a tsunami height reaching 3.4 meters, therefore tsunami disaster mitigation is needed for students and teachers of SDN 27 Banda Aceh. The government is preparing an evacuation route for SDN 27 Banda Aceh to a safe point at the DPRA Building via Jalan Twk. Hasyim Banta Muda-Jalan Dharma-Jalan Teuku Moh. Daud Beureueh, but the feasibility of the evacuation route still needs to be examined. Based on the above problems, a study was carried out regarding the feasibility of the evacuation route used by students and teachers of SDN 27 Banda Aceh with the observation method followed by a literature review based on research that had been done as well as other relevant research and other supporting literature. The study above concluded that the SDN 27 Banda Aceh evacuation route was not feasible, therefore it is advisable to move the safe point which was originally located in the DPRA building on Jalan Teuku Moh. Daud Beureueh went to the SMK SMTI Banda Aceh building and the Dinas Pendidikan Dayah Aceh Office building on Jalan Twk. Hasyim Banta Muda which is closer to SDN 27 Banda Aceh.


Tsunami, Evacuation Route, Safe Point, SDN 27 Badan Aceh

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