Hubungan Program UKGMD dengan Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Pemeliharaan Kebersihan Gigi dan Mulut Balita di Desa Jantang Lhoong Aceh Besar

Sisca Mardelita


The UKGMD was organized by the community, which was conducted towards promotive, preventive and referral services for dental and oral health, one of the targets included children under five. Dental and oral health problems of toddlers are often caused by a lack of knowledge from mothers about maintaining dental and oral health. The results of interviews with 6 mothers of children under five with poor dental hygiene were found that mothers did not know how to maintain dental and oral hygiene in toddlers. This study aims to determine the relationship of the UKGMD Program with the mother's knowledge about maintaining dental and oral hygiene of toddlers in Jantang Village, Lhoong District, Greater Aceh Regency in 2019. This research is analytical, conducted in Jantang Village, Lhoong District,Aceh Besar on 22 to 30 April 2019, the sample in the study amounted to 32 mothersand 5 UKGMD health workers taken in total sampling, data collection was obtained by interviews and checklist. Data analysis using chi square test.From the results of 32 respondents, 21 people (65.6%) of the UKGMD program were conducted, 22 people (68.8%) were well-informed. There is a relationship between the UKGMD program and maternal knowledge about the maintenance of dental and oral hygiene of toddlers with a P value of 0.004 (P <0.05) It can be concluded that the UKGMD program in Jantang Village in Lhoong Aceh Besar District in 2019 was mostly carried out and some respondents were well-informed about the maintenance of dental and oral hygiene of toddlers. It is hoped that in order to provide information on maintaining dental and oralhygiene for mothers who have toddlers and generally the Gampong community through UKGMD, it can be an input for nurses in carrying out dental maintenance so that they can be prevented from dental problems.

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