Analisis Psikososial, Masalah Emosi dan Perilaku Pada Siswa Boarding School dan Siswa Non-Boarding School di Banda Aceh

Farid Bastian


There are 2 education systems in Indonesia, that is boarding schools and non boarding schools which are influence students' behavior, emotions and psychosocial.In this research aim looking for relationships between the education system (boarding and non-boarding) with students' psychosocial problems, and finding out differences in psychosocial problems, emotional problems and the behavior of boarding and non boarding students.This research is quantitative with case control design and obtained sample of 110 control group and 110 case group. The research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Banda Aceh (non boarding) as control group and SMA Negeri Modal Bangsa Aceh (boarding school) as case group.The results of the study were obtained, the learning environment and infrastructure of the boarding school had a relationship with the psychosocial problems of students with p value = 0,001 and 0,014.Whereas for non-boarding schools only the learning environment of students has a significant relationship with students' psychosocial problems with p value = 0,02.Mann Whitney test results showed no significant differences in psychosocial problems (p value = 0,207), emotions (p value = 0,386) and behavior (p value = 0.622) in boarding school and non boarding school students. Logistic regression test results showed that the better the teacher's role in counseling guidance and student learning environment, the greater the opportunity to shape the personality of students with normal psychosocial development with p values 0,019 and 0,015.In addition, the more frequent the presence of the mother at home, the greater the chance of avoiding students from emotional problems (p value = 0,030) and the better the learning environment of students, the greater the students also avoid emotional problems (p value = 0,015).Students should to choose the right learning environment with their characteristics, in order to maximize of them potential to achieve success in the future.

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