Hubungan Lama Menderita Hipertensi Dengan Penurunan Fungsi Kognitif Pada Lansia

Yuni Rahmayanti


Hypertension is a condition in which an increase in blood pressure above the normal threshold is 120/80 mmHg. Cognitive decline is a problem that often occurs in elderly (elderly). This study aims to see the relationship between long suffering from hypertension with decreased cognitive function in elderly. This research is analytic observational with cross sectional design, sampling method is done by using random sampling. Respondents in this study as many as 61 people with a history of hypertension, then will be tested cognitive function with MMSE test (Mini Mental State Examination). The results of the study were elderly subjects suffering from hypertension <5 years as many as 15 people, including 9 people in normal circumstances, 5 people in a state of moderate cognitive impairment and 1 person in a state of severe cognitive impairment. Elderly respondents who suffered from hypertension ≥ 5 years of 46 people of whom 13 people in normal circumstances, 16 people in a state of moderate cognitive impairment and 17 people in a state of severe cognitive impairment. Based on data analysis by using chi-square test, p = 0,035, it is revealed that significant result between old relationship suffer from hypertension with decreasing cognitive function in elderly.

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