Analisis Penggunaan Metode Kontrasepsi Jangka Panjang pada Akseptor Keluarga Berencana di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar
The long-term contraception method is claimed as the effective and efficient contraception that can last for more than one year to a lifetime for delaying the pregnancy. The MKPJ contraception use is considered more effective compared with other MKPJs such as pills and contraceptive injection. Therefore, the number of MKPJ use in Ingin Jaya public health center is still low (11,68%, intrauterine device 6,17%, and contraceptive implant 9,58%) compared with other MKPJs (89,4%, contraceptive injection 45,58%, pills 41,40% and condom 4,98%). However, these numbers decline steadily each year. This study aims to analyze the MKJP use on KB acceptors. This study was a quantitative research by incorporating a cross-sectional design. The population was all active KB acceptors in Ingin Jaya public health center, Aceh Besar (1.526 acceptors). The sample was chosen by using a random probability sampling technique and the data was collected through a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using Logistic Regression test and multivariate with logistic regression.The findings showed that there was a relationship between the acceptor’s knowledge with the MKPJ use (p-value =0,0001). The study also revealed there was a level of trust towards the MKPJ use with the acceptors’ attitude (p-value =0,0001). However, the study also indicated that there was no relationship of level of trust with the MKPJ use (p-value =0,130). Further, the study found that there was a relationship of KB MKPJ exposure on the MKPJ use (p-value =0,019). It also proved that there was a relationship between the couple’s talk status with the MKPJ use (p-value =0,0001). There was a relationship between medics therapeutic communication with the MKPJ use (p-value =0,0001). Therefore, the study contended that the dominant variable that relates to the MKPJ use was the couple’s talk status (P-Value: 0,0001; OR : 43,5). It means the respondents that do not have the couple’s talk have a greater probability (44 times) of not using the MKPJ. From the findings, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge, attitude, exposure, couples’ talk status, medics therapeutic communication with MKPJ use. Hence, the dominant variable is the couples’ talk. It is suggested that the Health Department in Aceh Besar to always do the supervision to the midwives as to promote the use of MKPJ to KB acceptors. It is also suggested that Ingin Jaya public health center and Family Planning Field Officers to always give counseling and socialization about the contraceptive choice (MKJP) especially for the new couples (PUS) both for husband and wife and unemployed family planning acceptors, especially for the housewives. Further, the counseling needs to be done in relation to the high risks of pregnancy condition. Hence, getting informs of those risks may possibly become the consideration for the respected couples to choose a contraceptive method. Finally, this study recommends that new couples or fertile age couples (PUS) to choose MKJP for their contraception preference as it is more effective in delaying or stop the pregnancy.
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