Analisis Kematian Pada Bayi Dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah Di Kabupaten Aceh Besar
Infant mortality is one of the health indicators and the problem is not resolved in Indonesia, both the nutritional problems of babies born with low birth weight and infant mortality. The high rate of Low Birth Weight infants in the Greater Aceh Regency is feared to increase the risk of future dangerous diseases, one of which is the heart and will adversely affect the health status of the community. Baby with low birth weight is a health problem that needs special attention in Aceh Besar, considering the number of cases of infant mortality due to baby with low birth weight that occur in (Aceh Besar is still quite high. Therefore it is necessary to conduct an anaylisis to understand more on factors affecting the high incidence of Low birth weight babies in the Greater Aceh Distric.This study uses a quantitative design with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was conducted in 24 health centers working area of Aceh Besar on March 14 - March 28, 2018. The population in this study were all mothers who gave birth to LBW babies in the work area of the Aceh Besar Health Service within 1 year before the study was conducted. Sampling uses proportional random sampling techniques, amounting to 70 respondents.Study result support the exiting evidence that show strong retalionship between mother’s characteristics and the low birth weight. The statistical test showed relationship between maternal age (P = 0.001), parity (P = 0.004), gestational age (P = 0.015), history of Low Born Weight (P = 0.033), pregnancy complications (P = 0.024) , maternal nutritional status (P = 0.003), socio-economic conditions (P = 0.012), frequency of ANC examination (P = 0.012), ANC examination quality (P = 0.027) family support (P = 0.046), support health workers (P = 0.023) and access to health facilities (P = 0.033) with deaths in infants Low Birth Weight in Aceh Besar District in 2018. There is no relationship between maternal illness history and mortality in Low Born (P = 0.819). The most dominant factor is the age of the mother with the value of P = 0.003 and OR 16.1.It is recommended to the Aceh Besar Health Office and Puskesmas to carry out routine counseling activities on the importance of prenatal checks to prevent Low Born Weight babies from being detected through midwifery services. It is recommended to the public, especially pregnant women, pregnant women with the risk of giving birth to Low Birth Weight babies and families to carry out a complete antenatal check up to reduce the occurrence of Low Born Weight babies.
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