Hubungan Citra Tubuh Dengan Kecemasan Pada Wanita yang Mengalami Menopause di Gampong Ateuk Pahlawan Kecamatan Baiturrahman Banda Aceh
In postmenopausal women there is a growing concern about aging and diminishing its appeal. In addition, decreased and even cessation of the hormone estrogen effect on the loss of signs of beauty that has been characteristic of women who are proud. They are very anxious and afraid to imagine the appearance of wrinkles on their skin and other signs. This belief makes a woman feel she is not interesting anymore. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of body image with anxiety in women who experience menopause in Gampong Ateuk Heroes Baiturrahman District Banda Aceh Year 2016, this study is analytic with cross sectional design design, the sample in research 66 respondents. Sampling technique is proportional sampling method as for data collection time from 28 December to 3 January 2017, with instrument of data collection using questioner. The univariate results show that there is no relation of body image to anxiety in women who experience menopause at Gampong Ateuk Hero of Baiturrahman Sub-district Banda Aceh Year 2016, where the p-value is 0.117> 0.05. Based on the above results it is expected that menopause women in order to maintain body image to always awake and can avoid depression.
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