Determinan Kinerja Dokter Keluarga yang Dibayar Kapitasi di Kota Banda Aceh
The use of family doctors as healthy care facility is not in accordance with what has been expected. It could be seen from the low utility rate by JKN acceptors in 2015. The level of references increased to 8.52% in the same year. Unfortunately, it was not optimally supported by family doctors’ performance in knowledge, work satisfaction, and capitation earnings. The objective of this research was to identify the determinants of family doctors’ performance paid by capitation in Banda Aceh. The research used qualitative method with family doctors as the informants. The data were gathered by conducting library study and field research, interviews, observation, and documentary study.The result of the research showed that the determinants of family doctors were the system of capitation and capitation earnings received by family doctors and badly integrated monitoring activity and evaluation.It is recommended that BPJS Kesehatan Branch Office, Banda Aceh collaborate with the Health Agency of Banda Aceh in optimizing socialization to family doctors and the community. Family doctors should provide comprehensive service for patients and the capacity and delegation of authority for Monev JKN Team to monitor and evaluate. Besides that, BPJS Regulation on Health No. 2/2015 on the Implementation of the Fulfillment of Service Commitment in FKTP-based Capitation Payment should be implemented in order to respond to the need for family doctors in fulfilling the received capitation earnings.
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