Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang ASI Dengan Perilaku Pemberian ASI di Gampong Lambhuk Kecamatan Ulee Kareng Kota Banda Aceh
Breastfeeding rate of Indonesia was 4%. It was much lower than the target of World Health Organization (WHO) which is 50% (Riskerdas – National Basic Health Research – 2013). Base on the data taken from the Public Health Center of UleeKareng Sub-District, The breastfeeding rate of GampongLambhuk was 45% which was much lower than the target (60%). One of the factors influenching the brestfeeding practice is knowledge of mothers related to the benefits of breastmilk and the risks of early introduction of complementary food. This research whose objective was to find out the correlation between mothers’ knowledge of breastmilk and their attitude of breastfeeding in GampongLambhuk of Uleekareng Sub-District,Banda Aceh in 2017 was conducted by using descriptive-correlational design with cross sectional study approach. The data were collected by distributing questinnaires to a number of 67 respondents who were chosen as the research samples by using Slovin formula. The results indicated that there was a correlation between the mothers’ knowledge of breastmilk and their attitude of breastfeeding (P=0.000). Hence, it is suggested that those mothers increase their knowledge by reading more sources and finding out more information from media so that their breastfeeding attitude could be improved.
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