Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Meminum Obat Anti Filariasis
Filariasis bulk treatment is a strategy to break the chain of transmission of filariasis with a mass-drug approach to all residents in the filariasis endemic area, simultaneously simultaneously in no more than two months, each year for at least five consecutive years. Based on data from the P2PL Field District Health Office Aceh Besar in 2015 from 23 sub-districts under the administrative area of Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, filariasis cases were found in 14 sub-districts and 9 sub-districts not found filariasis cases. From the observation of the author for three days in Kuta Baro District the most severe filariasis cases occurred in Leupung Mesjid village, as many as 1 person filariasis patients have died and 1 person experienced enlargement on his feet, while in other villages in Kuta Baro District have not experienced cases such as in Leupung Mesjid village. The purpose of this research is to know factors related to people's behavior in taking anti-filariasis drugs in Gampong Leupung Mesjid Kuta Baro Sub-district, Aceh Besar Regency in 2016. This research is descriptive correlational. The study was conducted from December to January 2017 using a questionnaire. Based on the research results obtained as follows; (1) the existence of factors related to the behavior of the community in taking anti-filariasis drugs with p-value 0.035, (2) the emotional relationship with the society behavior in taking anti-filariasis drugs with p-value 0.006, (3) the perception relationship with behavior of people in taking anti filariasis drug with p-value 0,009, and (4) existence of motivation correlation with behavior of society in taking anti filariasis medicine with p-value 0,010.
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