Al Muqsith


An analgesic drug is a drug that reduces or dispels pain without losing consciousness. The choice of drugs for analgetic therapy there are 2 kinds, namely traditional medicine and synthetic drugs. Traditional medicine that can be used for analgetic therapy is aloe vera leaves (Aloe vera folium), while the synthetic drug used in analgesic therapy is paracetamol. The method used is the experimental method with the post test only control group design. Research using the material to be tested is aloe vera leaves and paracetamol tablets as a comparison. The population and samples in this study were 15 female balb/c female mice divided into three treatment groups, namely group I for negative control given by 0.5% tragakan and aquadest, group II for the test group was given aloe vera leaves juice 50 % with concentration 400 mg/kgBW and 800 mg/kgBW, and for group III as positive control given paracetamol 500 mg suspension. The results showed that the average percentage of analgesic power with aloe vera leaves juice 50% with cocentration 400 mg/kgBW was 85.71%, while mice given aloe vera leaves juice 50% with cncentration 800 mg/kgBW was 76.41% , and paracetamol tablet comparator was 92.73%. Aloe vera leaves juice 50% with concentration 400 mg/kgBW has effective analgetik power more than aloe vera leaves juice 50% with concentration 800 mg/kgBW.

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