Analisis Public Stigma dengan Kepatuhan Pengobatan Pasien TB Paru di Kabupaten Nagan Raya
Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is still a public health problem in Indonesia and in various parts of the world. Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious respiratory infection that triggers stigma. This study aims to analyze the Public Stigma of Adherence to Treatment of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Nagan Raya Regency. This research is an analytic observational study using a case control design. The population in the study were all pulmonary TB patients who did not undergo complete treatment in the Puskesmas area in Nagan Raya Regency during 2019 as many as 57 people. By using a ratio of 1: 1, the study sample was 114 people consisting of 57 cases and 57 controls. Data collection was carried out from September 2020 which was carried out at the respondent's house. Data analysis using logistic regression test. The results showed that the factors associated with pulmonary TB treatment adherence were basic education (OR = 4.5; p value = 0.041), non-formal employment (OR = 6.4; p value = 0.005), family support is less supportive (OR=2,3; p value= 0,026), staff support is less supportive (OR=4; p value= 0,0001) and high public stigma with adherence to pulmonary TB treatment (coef = 0,06; p value = 0.0001) The results of the multivariate analysis concluded that the tendency to not adhere to pulmonary TB treatment in the public stigma 4 variable was more dominant than other variables. Nagan Raya District Health Office in order to increase the role of health workers in counseling and education to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and their families about the diseases they suffer and the impact of their treatment. The role of the family in the supervision of taking medication for pulmonary tuberculosis patients, and improving the approach to communication and intrapersonal education with patients with pulmonary tuberculosis related to public stigma problems.
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