Faktor Risiko Drop Out Imunisasi DPT Pada Bayi di Kabupaten Pidie

Harfiana Harfiana


Efforts to immunize diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) are considered to be the most appropriate way to improve the immunity status of a diphtheria person. Pidie Regency is the highest District with diphtheria compared to other districts in Aceh. This research is an observational analytic study using a case control design. The case population was 42 out of 42 babies at the Titeu and Peukan Baro health centers, while the controls were all infants who did not drop out at the same puskesmas. The number of samples in this study were 84 people. The results showed that factors related to drop out were maternal work (p = 0.027 OR; 2.8), maternal knowledge (p = 0.0001 OR; 1.6), maternal attitude (p = 0.007 OR; 3.8) access to information (p = 0,0001 OR; 15.7), distance from health services (p = 0,006 OR; 6.5), family support (p = 0,001 OR; 4.4), role of midwife (p = 0,002 OR; 4.2) and side effects (p = 0,001 OR ; 4.7). The dominant factor in the event of drop out was information access (OR = 15.8; 95% CI: 3.36-74.75), (p value 0,0001). The conclusions of the study are respondents with working mothers, lack of knowledge, negative attitudes, lack of access to information, distance to remote health services, lack of family support, the role of midwives is lacking, and the effects of side effects are more at risk of dropping out. It needs to be improved counseling to the community, especially mothers regarding immunization, especially DPT, by using various information media such as print, electronic and social media.

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