Hubungan Riwayat Persalinan Lama dengan Kejadian Atonia Uteri pada Ibu Bersalin di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Darul Imarah Tahun 2020

Cut Rahmi Muharrina, Martina Martina


Uterine atony is the failure of the uterus to contact properly after delivery and is the main cause of postpartum hemorrhage. This situation is caused by a long labor process, excessive uterine enlargement, incorrect handling of the third stage, labor by massaging the uterus and pushing down in an attempt to give birth to the placenta even though it has not been separated from the uterus. The maternal mortality rate caused by uterine atony is 50-60%. This study aims to determine the relationship between a history of prolonged labor and the incidence of uterine atony in woman giving birth in the working area of the Darul Imarah Public Health Center. This study used a cross sectional method. The sample in this study was mothers who gave birth at the Darul Imarah Health Center in 2020, totaling 68 people. The sampling technique used was total sampling. Analysis of the data used is chi-square. The result of the statistical test showed that there was a relationship between a history of prolonged labor and the incidence of uterine atony (p=0,002) in women giving birth in the working area of the Darul Imarah Public Health Center. The role of health workers is needed to deal with the incidence of uterine atony, the better the role of helath workers, the more confident mothers are to give birth at the puskesmas. For this reason, it is expected that the active participation of health workers in improving the management and handling of uterine atony is expected to reduce maternal mortality (MMR) and infant mortality (IMR).

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