Hubungan Pengetahuan, Pekerjaan dan Dukungan Suami dengan Motivasi Ibu Hamil untuk Melakukan Senam Hamil di Puskesmas Ingin Jaya Aceh Besar Tahun 2019
Gymnastic pregnant much give merit in help smooth the delivery process can be trained breathing and relaxantion, stomach and pelvis and strengthen muscles training means straining the truth, to do gymnastics pregnant too can take away the pain and maternal mortality. Research objectives have the knowledge to know, work and support husband motivation pregnant woment to do gymnastics pregnant at Health center Ingin Jaya district Aceh Besar year 2019. The methodology: analytic the research was conducted on the cross sectional 28 april-16 mei 2019 at Health center Ingin Jaya district Aceh Besar by means of accidental 35 sampling in pregnant women handing out questionnaires as well as data processing, editing done in coding, data entry and analysis techniques. Research pregnant mothers: motivated do gymnastics are positive at the level of as many as 21 respondents (60,0%), the analysis resulth of statistical relation khowledge with the motivation do gymnastics pregnant show (α=0,05 dengan ρ value = 0,008). The results of statistical analysis work relationship with the motivation do gymnastics pregnant show (α = 0,05 dengan ρ value = 0,712), and the results of the analysis husband statistics support with the motivation do gymnastics pregnant show (α = 0,05 dengan ρ value = 10,00).
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