Hubungan Kadar Hb dan IMT dengan Siklus Menstruasi pada Remaja di Gampong Lamteumen Barat

Ricca Donna


This study entitled the Relationship of Hb and Imt Levels with the Menstrual Cycle in Adolescents in West Lamteumen Village. The menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman and almost 90% of women have a cycle of 25-35 days and only 10-15% have a cycle length of 28 days, but some women have irregular cycles. This study aims to determine the relationship between hemoglobin levels and BMI in the village. Lamteumen Barat Banda Aceh. The design of this study was cross sectional. A population of 172 adolescents was conducted. Data processing used univariate analysis, chi-square test and multivariate (multiple logistic regression). The study, which was conducted on 172 adolescents, was found to experience abnormal menstrual cycles as many as 68 people (39.5%). Researchers also found that there was a significant relationship between levels Hb and BMI with the menstrual cycle. While the most factor The dominant factor associated with the menstrual cycle was the HB level with the value OR 5,525.

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