Evaluasi Program Rumoh Gizi Gampong Dalam Penanganan balita stunting di Desa Lubuk Sukon Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar Tahun 2021
Stunting (fail) is growing health problems/short priority to create human resources the state high quality Indonesian. Stunting the key success could be done througj monitoring and measurement of the nutrition weight and babies by skilled health and cadres posyandu. One sector they cross has run to lower the stunting the prevalence of in Aceh team empowerment family welfare organization (PKK) Aceh who have cooperated from TP PKK central up to TP PKK village. Lubuk Sukon a pilot project implementation Gampong model rumoh nutrition (RGG) which then a pilot project and models in the development throughout RGG remote Aceh. This program is run with empowering the village community through model and handling stunting intervention in an integrated in the village to seek independence to villagers in done preventive measures and handling stunting at the global level most basic. Used research design qualitative study ot the monitoring process increase weight and height for 3 months to stunting and through monitoring variation nutrition and food that has been prepared by village TP-PKK served and according to dish while recommended by nutritionists. Conclusion: Prevention and tackling through the PKK namely Rumoh Gizi Gampong very good to be used as reference and a breakthrough in the future in reduce the number of stunting
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