Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Anak Usia Prasekolah di PAUD Permata Bunda Kabupaten Aceh Jaya
The growth and development of children is one of a series of growth processes that need to be considered for maturity by parents. Problems in the growth and development of preschool-aged children that are often encountered, such as children who have difficulty speaking, stuttering, fear of communicating with strangers or even crying when their mother leaves them, are included in motor development disorders. Based on the phenomena obtained from the Permata Bunda PAUD school, there are still preschoolers who experience problems with their growth and development, especially children's motor skills, such as there are still children who have problems throwing the ball and kicking the ball in one focus, unable to kick the ball straight, unable to jump. far away and have not been able to establish relationships with fellow friends. This has an impact on developmental delays in children including children still experiencing slow progress. Research purpose was to determine the factors that influence the development of preschool age children at Permata Bunda PAUD, Aceh Jaya Regency in 2021. The design of this study was descriptive correlation with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study is a of all parents who have preschool age children with a total of 42 respondents using a total sampling technique. This research was conducted from 19-22 May 2021. The results showed that there was an influence on interpersonal relationships (p=0.013), parents' socioeconomic level (p=0.021), illness (p=0.031), parenting patterns (p=0.031). =0.004) on the development of preschool age children. Suggestions are expected for parents this research can be material in increasing their knowledge about the development of preschool age children and how to stimulate the development of preschool age children so that children have development according to their.
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