Abstract: Skill Lab is a clinical skill training method using a model or simulation which is a very important tool for developing early skills in students. Through this learning process, the patient's advanced learning process becomes safer and more effective. However, this will not be achieved if there is no role of an instructor who guides during the Skill lab learning process. This study was conducted to determine the factors that can affect the performance of the Unaya FK lab instructors. The study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Phenomenology is a method that can be used to study a person's experience of a particular phenomenon. In this study, what is learned is the experience of the skill lab instructor about the obstacles experienced during the learning process. The results of research on factors that can affect the performance of lab instructors include the instructor's knowledge factor, where the instructor's knowledge plays an important role in terms of learning lab skills. The allocation of time that is in accordance with the weight of the material being taught must also be supported by adequate laboratory facilities and infrastructure to support the skill lab learning process. Barriers to the implementation of the Skill lab are caused by multiple factors. Therefore, to overcome this obstacle, arrangements must be made, adequate facilities and arrangement of the lecturer's workload must be carried out
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