Abstract: : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease caused by the body's inability to produce the hormone
insulin or because of the ineffective use of insulin products. DM consists of two types, namely the first type of
DM is caused by heredity and the second type is caused by life style. In general, almost 80% of the prevalence of
diabetes mellitus is DM type 2, this means that an unhealthy lifestyle / lifestyle is the main trigger for the
increased prevalence of DM. Aceh is included in the list of Indonesia's top nine regions with a high population of
DM disease. It is estimated that the number reached 417,600 sufferers or around 8.7% of the total population of
Aceh. Based on the 2011 population census, DM sufferers were 21%. Based on the results of integrated
surveillance of Pukesmas-based diseases (new cases) in 23 districts / cities in Aceh province in 2013, DM was
ranked sixth out of 35 types of diseases, as many as 4,573 patients consisting of 2,121 men and 2,452 women.
Based on the results of integrated surveillance of Pukesmas-based diseases (new cases) in 23 districts / cities in
Aceh province in 2013, DM was ranked sixth out of 35 types of diseases, as many as 4,573 patients consisting of
2,121 men and 2,452 women. Based on the 2016 Central Statistics Agency for Aceh, it is estimated that diabetics
in Aceh in 2016 will reach 32% and based on population growth patterns it is estimated that in 2030 there will be
9.5 million diabetics with a prevalence rate of 18.3% for urban blood, and 8.6 % rural area. This study aims to
look at the description of risk factors for diabetes mellitus in the disease polyclinic in the Meuraxa Regional
General Hospital, Banda Aceh City. This research is useful as information material about a healthy lifestyle and
raising public awareness, especially for those who are at risk of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). This research uses
descriptive research. This study was designed with a cross sectional study technique with a total sample of 246
samples (patients). The results of this study were processed using univariate data analysis to see a description of
the risk factors for type II diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with internal medicine polyclinics in regional public
hospitals (RSUD). The results showed that most Type II DM patients were dominated by female patients (765)
who had a family history (65%) and were predominantly aged 30-60 years (adults) (63%) and had a history of
obesity (80%), the conclusion of this study the presence of risk factors for type II DM so that the high incidence
of type II DM in patients with existing risk factors..
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