Hubungan Disiplin Tenaga Kesehatan Dengan Kinerja Pelayanan Kesehatan di Puskesmas Krueng Barona Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Satria Safirza, Fia Dewi Auliani


Abstract: Glaucoma is a group of diseases characterized by typical optic neuropathy, associated with loss
of visual field with very high intraocular pressure is one of the primary risk factors. Glaucoma itself is a
disease whose incidence rates in both the world, Indonesia and Aceh have increased and can cause
blindness. The purpose of this study was to determine the demographic data of cataract patients with
comorbid conditions such as diabetes in RSUDZA. This research is an observational descriptive research
type with a cross sectional design, by approaching, observing or collecting data all at once. The results of
the study showed that the sex of the most research respondents was male, as many as 39 respondents
(59.1%), meanwhile for the female sex, there were 32 respondents (45.1%). Meanwhile, in terms of age, 41
study respondents (57.8%) who were patients in the 46 to 65 years age group were followed by 27
respondents in the >65 year age group (38%). In the age group 26 to 45 years, there were 2 respondents
(2.8%) and in the age group 12 to 25 years, there were 1 respondent (1.4%). The conclusion of this study is
that more males suffer from glaucoma with type 2 diabetes mellitus and age is one of the main risk factors
coupled with comorbid diabetes mellitus which is an increasing factor for the incidence of glaucoma with
diabetes mellitus.

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