Irma Andriani Edhitta Deviani Lia Maulita


Abstract: The Tobacco Atlas states that the number of cigarette consumption in the world in 2014 reached 5.8 trillion cigarettes and is still growing every year. The prevalence of smoking in developed countries has decreased, but on the contrary in developing countries. The results of a study in the medical journal The Lancet show that smoking cessation rates are low in most developing countries. This study aims to determine the knowledge, attitudes and actions of students about smoking at SMAN 1 Sukamakmur, Aceh Besar District. This research is descriptive in nature, namely the research method that seeks to describe the phenomenon. Sampling was done by simple random sampling based on the Slovin formula with a total of 49 respondents. A tool for data collection in the form of a questionnaire distributed to students at SMAN 1 Sukamakmur with 20 questions. This research was conducted on July 14, 2021. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained as follows that students' knowledge about cigarettes was in the high category as many as 25 respondents (51%), and students' actions about smoking were in the low category as many as 30 respondents (61%). In this study, it is hoped that all parties involved, for Nursing Institutions, it is hoped that the results of this research can develop knowledge, especially in the field of nursing, for the school, it is hoped that the results of this research will serve as an overview and input in order to increase students' knowledge and in order to include deviant behavior, especially dangers. smoking into the subject of counseling guidance.

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