T Faizul Anhar, cut Rahmi Muharrina, Saufa Yarah


Fishermen's attention to safety equipment on board is still low, many captains and crew members ignore the risks of workers on board such as not using safety equipment even though it is available and has attended certain training. This research is useful as a source of information to fishermen at Kuta Raja Ocean Landing Base (PPS) regarding the importance of paying attention to the completeness of safety equipment on fishing vessels in order to minimise the occurrence of accidents. This research method is a descriptive method of 10 respondents aimed at identifying the completeness of safety equipment on capture fisheries vessels at PPS Kuta Raja and the skipper's skills on the use of safety equipment that supports crew safety. The safety equipment in question is life buoy, life jacket, APAR, first aid equipment, radio, compass, and echosounder. This research was conducted in February 2023. The results showed that all respondents had life jackets, APAR, first aid kits, and radios, but not all had life bouy, compass, and echosounder. For traditional safety equipment, only one vessel did not have an inner tube, but the other vessels had jerry cans, inner tubes and outer tubes. Moreover, the skipper's knowledge and skills on the use of safety equipment are predominantly at the knowing level, with only a few fishermen admitting to knowing enough, and no fishermen not knowing how to operate safety equipment on board


Safety equipment, Ocean Fishing port, Fishing vessels

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