Studi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Sektor Pertanian di Provinsi Aceh

Teuku Fadhla Ali


Abstract: In this study, from the estimation results there are potentials for several variables such as exports, investment and agricultural credit, investment in infrastructure facilities and supporting infrastructure for agricultural activities so that investment and capital for the community is carried out in agriculture. Based on estimates, the bank credit variable has the highest influence compared to other variables, where each 1 million rupiah increase in bank credit channeled to the agricultural sector will raise the GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) of the agricultural sector by Rp 3,249,100. Every 1 million rupiah increase in exports of the agricultural sector will raise the GDP(Gross Domestic Product) of the agricultural sector by Rp 1,141,000. Every 1 million rupiah increase in investment in the agricultural sector will raise the GDP of the agricultural sector by Rp. 769,980. Through a partial test (t-test), all variables, namely labor, exports, investment and agricultural banking credit significantly affect the GDP of the agricultural sector. Through simultaneous testing (F-test) all independent variables such as labor, exports, investment and banking credit in the agricultural sector together also have a significant effect on the GRDP of the agricultural sector and can explain the growth of the GRDP of Aceh's agricultural sector as the dependent variable. For the results of testing the coefficient of determination (R2), the closeness of the relationship between the variables affected and variables that affect the GRDP of the Aceh agricultural sector is 89.7%. However, although labor in the agricultural sector is absorbed the most compared to other sectors, an increase in labor that is not accompanied by additional inputs will cause the output produced by the agricultural sector to decline.


Keywords : : Investment, Agricultural Credit, Labor, GRDP and Economy


Abstrak : Pada studi yang dilakukan, dari hasil estimasi terdapat potensi pada beberapa variabel seperti ekspor, investasi dan kredit pertanian, investasi pada infrastruktur sarana dan prasarana penunjang kegiatan pertanian sehingga investasi dan permodalan untuk masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam bidang pertanian. Berdasarkan estimasi, variabel kredit perbankan memberikan pengaruh yang paling tinggi dibandingkan variabel-variabel lainnya, dimana setiap kenaikan 1 juta rupiah kredit perbankan yang tersalurkan pada sektor pertanian akan menaikkan PDRB sektor pertanian sebesar Rp 3.249.100,-. Setiap kenaikan 1 juta rupiah ekspor sektor pertanian akan menaikkan PDRB(Produk Domestik Regional Bruto) sektor pertanian sebesar Rp 1.141.000,-. Setiap kenaikan 1 juta rupiah investasi sektor pertanian akan menaikkan PDRB sektor pertanian sebesar Rp 769.980,-. Melalui uji parsial (uji-t), seluruh variabel, yaitu tenaga kerja, ekspor, investasi dan kredit perbankan pertanian berpengaruh nyata terhadap PDRB sektor pertanian. Melalui uji secara serempak (uji-F) semua variabel independen seperti tenaga kerja, ekspor, investasi dan kredit perbankan sektor pertanian secara bersama-sama juga berpengaruh nyata terhadap PDRB sektor pertanian dan dapat menerangkan pertumbuhan PDRB sektor pertanian Aceh sebagai variabel dependen. Untuk hasil pengujian koefisien determinasi (R2), keeratan hubungan antara variabel yang dipengaruhi dan variabel yang mempengaruhi PDRB sektor pertanian Aceh adalah sebesar 89,7%. Namun demikian, meskipun tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian paling banyak terserap dibandingkan sektor lainnya, namun dengan pertambahan tenaga kerja yang tidak diiringi oleh pertambahan input lainnya akan menyebabkan output yang di hasilkan sektor pertanian semakin menurun.


Kata Kunci : Investasi, Kredit Pertanian, Tenaga Kerja, PDRB dan Ekonomi

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