Analisis Produksi dan Pendapatan Usahatani Kacang Tanah Di Desa Miruk Lamredeuep Kecamatan Baitussalam Kabupaten Aceh Besar

M Nasir Ismail


Abstract: Peanut is one of the commodities of crops that have high nutritional value. The purpose of this research is to know the use of factors influencing the production in managing peanut farm in Miruk Lamreudep Village, Baitussalam, Aceh Besar. The method used in this research is Survey Method. Sampling method is simple random that is by taking 50% from all farmers who work on Peanut farm in Miruk Lamreudep Village. The amount of samples taken was 15 farmers from a population of 30 farmers in a single production process. The result of this research showed that the factors of land area (sig 0,005) and seed (sig.0,035) have significant effect on production, while fertilizer and production cost have no significant effect on peanut production with significance level of 5% (0,05). R2 value of 0.972, this shows that the closeness of the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable of 97.20% means that the production of farming can be explained by changes in variable land area, seed, fertilizer and production costs. The remaining 2.80% (0.028) is explained by other factors outside the model. The value of F arithmetic of 122.280 with p-value of 0.000 <0.05 or 95 percent confidence level, indicates that all variables ie land area, seed, fertilizer and production costs together affect the production of peanut farming.

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