Pemanfaatan Limbah Feses Ayam Sebagai Pupuk Bokashi dan Aplikasinya Pada Tanaman Bayam

Sari Wardani, Elvrida Rosa


Abstract: This study aimed to utilize chicken feces waste as bokashi fertilizer and its application on spinach. The research stages consist of the process of making bokashi fertilizer and its application as planting medium on spinach plant. This study used a completely randomized design with single treatment of fertilizer consisting of P1 (manure) and P2 (bokashi feces chicken fertilizer), each treatment was repeated 3 times. The process of making bokashi fertilizer using EM4 bioactivator. The parameters observed were number of leaves and stem height. The results showed that spinach plants using bokashi fertilizer had 11 leaves of leaves and 35 cm high, while spinach plants using manure had five leaves and 5 cm high. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the bokashi fertilizer from chicken feces has the potential to be applied as one of the planting media in spinach plants.

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