Persepsi Petani Terhadap Penggunaan Benih Bersubsidi Provinsi Aceh

Abdul Azis, Basri A Bakar, Sri Fitri


The purpose of this study was to determine farmers' perceptions of subsidized seeds and evaluate the performance of farmers who have used subsidized seeds. Location of research activities in Mee Adan Village, Mutiara Timur District, Pidie District, Aceh Province. Site selection was done by purposive sampling method (intentionally) with 20 respondents. Data analysis using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Chi Square analysis.  Farmers' knowledge of information on seed subsidies by 87%, farmers and communities know about subsidized seed information through socialization or counseling by the BPTP and the Aceh Agriculture Office, which were initially introduced as Inpari seeds. Farmers' perception of the relative benefits of using subsidized seeds is 96%, the average income of farmers is Rp. 5,000,000 / month, with the selling price according to the labels available, (White label Rp. 15,000 /Kg, purple label Rp. 12,000 /Kg, and blue label Rp. 10,000 /Kg). Farmers' perception of the suitability of subsidized seed use is 95% because the yield of captive quality seeds is obtained in accordance with what is expected by farmers. Mee Adan Village, Mutiara Timur District, Pidie District farmers have a very good perception of subsidized seed use from Aceh BPTP, with an average percentage of almost 100% and subsidized seeds are very helpful for farmers in developing their farming

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