Prospek Pengembangan Usaha Perkebunan Karet di Kecamatan Pante Ceureumen Kabupaten Aceh Barat

Firdaus Firdaus, Ainal Mardhiah, Fajar Bahri


Rubber plantation business is feasible if the profits obtained are greater than the investment costs, which are expected to be a reference in the development of rubber plantation business which is more efficient as long as the business is carried out. The research objective was to determine the feasibility of developing a rubber plantation business in terms of technical and financial aspects. The hypothesis that the prospect of developing a feasible rubber plantation business is to be developed in terms of the technical and financial aspects. The object under study is farmers who cultivate rubber plants, to be used as a frame of reference in data analysis and the potential of their existing land. Data analysis model using Investment Criteria, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Net B / C Ratio, Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The results showed that in terms of technical aspects (soil pH, temperature, rainfall, altitude of the sea level, soil structure, and humidity) it is feasible to develop because it is in accordance with the conditions needed by rubber plants. Judging from the financial aspect, the NPV value obtained with a discount rate of 14%, amounting to Rp. 84,788,477, -. Net B / C ratio of 1.35. IRR of 17.70%. Thus, rubber plantation crops are feasible to be developed, because they meet the investment criteria that have been set. Sensitivity analysis on cost conditions increased by 10%, fixed benefits. NPV value with a discount rate of 14%, amounting to Rp. 55,541,830, - Net B / C Ratio of 1.21 and IRR of 16.20%. Rubber plants are feasible to be developed. In the condition of a cost increase of 10%, the benefit falls by 10% the value of NPV with a discount rate of 14% of Rp. 18,962,453, - Net B/C Ratio of 1.07 and IRR of 16.60%, rubber plants are still feasible to be developed.

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