Peran Masyarakat Dalam Menjaga Kelestarian Alam Di Provinsi Aceh

Basri AB, Abdul Azis, Elvrida Rosa


Abstract: Environmental damage occurs because of actions that cause direct or indirect changes in physical and or biological properties so that the environment no longer functions in supporting sustainable development. In the same condition in Aceh, environmental damage is still a problem in itself. This can be seen from the data presented by several institutions, as well as from the visible impact that has emerged such as flooding in several areas in Aceh, as well as damage to fauna habitat. In fact, as the only region that is given the authority to carry out Islamic law, the people of Aceh should understand well the preservation of the environment which is also an important message of Islamic teachings. The research location is based on the Aceh zone where disasters often occur, determined by purposive sampling, so that Pidie District, West Aceh District and Bener Meriah District were selected. This paper aims to try to see the role of the Acehnese people in an effort to preserve the environment through noble values and local wisdom that continues to apply from generation to generation. The results of the study show that the level of public awareness is still low due to various factors such as increasing economic needs, weak law enforcement and sanctions for violators. Related to this, the role of religion and local wisdom is believed to be able to increase public awareness in preserving nature.

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