Irfan Farizy, Savitri Savitri, Bustami Bustami


Abstract:This study aims to determine the effect of several doses of goat manure and Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) and the interaction between the two. This study used a 4 x 4 factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 3 replications, so there were 16 treatment combinations and 48 experimental units. The first factor studied was goat manure (B), namely B0 = control, B1 = 2 kg/plot, B2 = 4 kg/plot and B3 = 6 kg/plot. While the second factor studied was the dose of Phantom Liquid Organic Fertilizer (C), namely C0 = Control, C1 = 1 ml/liter of water, C2 = 2 ml/liter of water and C3 = 3 ml/liter of water. The results showed that the treatment of several doses of goat manure studied had a very significant effect on plant height (20 and 30 DAP), number of leaves (20 and 30 DAP), leaf width (20 and 30 DAP), flower diameter, flower weight and root length . However, it had no significant effect on plant height 10 DAP, number of leaves 10 DAP, leaf width 10 DAP. Treatment of various concentrations of Hantu liquid organic fertilizer studied had a significant effect on plant height 10 HST, number of leaves 10 DAP, leaf width 10 DAP. However, it had no significant effect on plant height (20 and 30 DAP), number of leaves (20 and 30 DAP), leaf width (20 and 30 DAP), flower diameter, flower weight and root length. There was no significant interaction between the two fertilizer treatments. The best treatment was the B3C1 treatment combination (6 kg/plot goat manure and 1 ml/liter Hantu liquid organic fertilizer).

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