Nora Usrina, Yenni Yusriani, Nasywa Marchia Nathania


Sacrifice is one of the moments of worship on Eid al-Adha where Muslims slaughter sacrificial animals. The slaughter of sacrificial animals is usually not carried out in slaughterhouses (RPH) so supervision is needed. Inspection supervision was carried out on June 29 2023 at the Gampong Pineung field and the courtyard of the Darul Falah Mosque in Gampong Pineung, Banda Aceh. The total number of sacrificial animals slaughtered was 33, consisting of 22 cows and 11 goats. Inspections are carried out on all sacrificial animals that are slaughtered. This activity consists of two examinations, namely antemortem and postmortem. Based on the antemortem examination, the sacrificial animals to be slaughtered were in good condition and healthy. Meanwhile, based on the postmortem examination, the sacrificial animals that were slaughtered had meat that was fit for consumption. The results of the postmortem examination also found helminthiasis (Fasciola sp., Paramphistomum sp., and Ascaris sp.) in the liver, rumen and intestines of the cow. The liver, intestines and rumen that are infested with worms are discarded or not consumed.

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