Perancangan Sistem Informasi E-Learning pada Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Abulyatama

Julia Ulfa, Sanusi Sanusi, Juniana Husna


The government is trying to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by implementing a lockdown policy, which is to cancel all educational activities. E-learning exists as an alternative learning method that is applied to support the quality of education in the midst of a pandemic due to the outbreak of the Corona virus. In this study the authors raised the case of E-Learning Information System Design at the Abulyatama University Information Systems Study Program. The features achieved in this system are news information, period management, course management, class management, lecturer data management, student data management, material data management, assignment data management and value data management. The results of this study can be concluded that the application built can manage student data well and can be classified based on the period of the school year. The application built can already be used by lecturers to share their learning material so that students can download it directly and without fear of missing lessons. The system built is designed to be as attractive and interactive as possible, so that it can be easily understood by even ordinary technology users


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Copyright (c) 2021 Julia Ulfa

Kandidat : Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pendidikan

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© Kandidat : Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pendidikan

Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama, Aceh, Indonesia. 2019