Abdul Azis


Peanut is one of major commodities in Aceh province, especially in the districts of Pidie, West Aceh Barat, Aceh Jaya, Nagan Raya, Southwest Aceh, and South Aceh. In Aceh, the total area of peatlands covers 144,000 ha spread in Aceh Jaya, West Aceh, Nagan Raya, South Aceh, and Aceh Singkil. Farmers have been growing peanuts in peatlands since a long time ago; however, its productivity is still very low (0.45 t/ha) while the productivity of peanuts grown in mineral soil is higher (1-1.2 t/ha). The objective of this study was to find out the adaptability of five peanut varieties grown in peatlands with <100 cm in depth by using specific peanut cultivation technology for peatlands in Alue Penyaring village, Merbo sub-district, West Aceh district. A randomized block with four replications was applied on five peanut varieties i.e. Domba, Gajah, Jerapah, Bison and Local Naga Umbang varieties. Each genotype was grown in 5 m x 10 m plot size with plant spacing of 35 cm x 15 cm and 1 seed/hole. The yields of dry pods of these five varieties ranged from 1.36 t – 1.77 t/ha. This indicates that all tested varieties are able to adapt to peaty soil.

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