Basri A. Bakar, Abdul Azis


The application of Rhizobium on the growth and production of some soybean varieties in Aceh Tamiang district aimed to determine the doses of Rhizobium application on the growth and production of two soybean varieties. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) 4 x 2 factorial pattern with 3 repetitions. The factors observed were Rhizobium inoculation doses (Legin), consisted of 4 levels, namely: R0 = 0% (control), R1 = 5 g/kg of seeds, R2 = 10 g/kg of seeds, and R3 = 15 g/kg of seeds. The varieties used here were V1 (Grobogan) and V2 (Anjasmoro), with plant spacing of 20 cm x 40 cm, filled with two plants per hole. The highest yields about 1.425 t/ha of dry seeds were obtained in Anjasmoro variety with Rhizobium application 15 g/kg of seeds, and PNPK Ponska about 100 kg/ha compared to control which was about 1,175 t/ha. Meanwhile in Grobogan variety, the highest yields were obtained in Rhizobium application with the dose of 15 g/kg of seeds that can increase the yields up to 1.425 t/ha of dry seeds compared to control 1,250 t/ha. Beside that, there were some increases in the total number of pods per plant, the number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds that affected the increase in production of both soybean varieties.

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