Hasbi Ali


Effort to improve people welfare were one of the first and primary program from government to be realized in Activity Plan of Logging Concession Company in order to from welfare society, so they can participate activety in every development estabilished by government. Active participation of the people will be greatly determined by their prosperity level.
In this matter, this study used descriptive method that described operational system and attitude and behavior of employee of Logging Cocession Company operated in Simeulue Regency and observe response of the people. This study was conducted in two district and two villages that significantly defferent, that is Kuala Makmur Village of East Simeulue District and Labuhan Bajau Village of South Teupah District with population of 3.022 people. Sample was taken with simple random sampling method, while determination of smple location was conducted with area sampling method. Number of sample was defined
using purposive sampling that result in 60 people with concist of 35 people from Kuala Makmur Village and 25 people from Labuhan Bajau Village. Data was collected using instrument questioner, interview, observation, and documentation that is semi-pen structure accordance with guidance of research instrument making. For instrument validity it was conducted content validity test and instrument realiability it was conducted paralel test. Processing and analyzing data used combination between quantitative and qualitative
analysis using simple frequency distribution formula. The result of the study showed operational system the company have not reflected any
attempt to improve people welfare and tend to threat concervation and safety of Forest Nnatural Resource, ecosystem within the forest, and environment; attitude and behavior of part of employee also broke norms and values that have growth and developed in the people’s life, so part of the peole responded negatively on existency of Logging Cocession Company in their villages by doing any social reaction.

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