Iskandarsyah Madjid, Arie Budi Setiawan


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of informational fairness, procedural fairness, distributive fairness, and customer satisfaction with internet banking of Mandiri Bank. A total of 107 questionnaires were distributed and 103 questionnaires that can be collected. Hierarchical Linear Modelling was used to test the hypothesis. The results are as follows: Informational fairness has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Procedural fairness has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Systemic fairness has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Informational fairness has significant effect on systemic
fairness. Procedural fairness has significant effect on systemic fairness. Procedural fairness has significant effect on customer satisfaction through the mediation of systemic fairness. Distributive fairness has significant effect on customer satisfaction through the mediation of systemic fairness. But like Effect of distributive fairness on customer satisfaction and Influences of distributive fairness effect on systemic fairness does not have significant influence, and Fairness does not mediate the effect of systemic fairness information to
customer satisfaction of internet banking of Mandiri Bank.

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