Implementasi System Aplication and Product (SAP) Pada Proses Penginputan Data Penggunaan Kantong Semen

Khusna Annisa, Yusrizal Yusrizal, Mahyuddin Mahyuddin



Along with the times, many information systems of the company cannot meet the business processes within the company as a whole. An integrated information system is a need to help solve problems in managing business transactions. System Application and Product (SAP) is one of the applications that are able to provide solutions to these problems and can accommodate the needs of information systems specifically for different departments in a company. The object of this study is PT Solusi Bangun Andalas Tbk. PT Solusi Bangun Andalas Tbk is one of the companies engaged in cement manufacturing. The method used in the research includes problem identification methods, observations in the field, literature studies, discussions with actors who input data, and secondary data as supporting data. The results of the study prove that the use of System Application and Product (SAP) can speed up the management of company data and the presentation of more accurate data. The use of System Application and Product (SAP) applications can help make companies more effective and efficient in management systems. With this system, the reports obtained by each department become real-time, integrated, and guaranteed security.

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Yii. 2009. Modul, (Online), ( License/), diakses 25 Januari 2021.ISSN 2656-0313 (Online)


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