Pembuatan Alat Sortir Material AR Dari Impurities Material

Irhamna Irhamna, Iqbal Iqbal, Lindawati Lindawati, Mery Silviana, Tety Sriana



PT. Solusi Bangun Indonesia offers business solutions through the Nathabumi business unit, with waste management solutions for leading companies in Indonesia. Nathabumi has been working with PT Solusi Bangun Andalas since 2020. At SBA, Nathabumi or AFR has the duty and function to process hazardous and toxic waste (LB3) to be used as raw materials (AR) and alternative fuels (AF). Waste-producing customers send their waste to SBA to be reused. At the time of sending LB3 for AR alternative raw materials, there were several material impurities such as Iron (Fe), Aluminum (Al), and other material impurities which had an unfavorable impact on the factory equipment used. In order to sort/separate the impurities, it is necessary to install a tool that functions as a separator and sorts the impurities contained in the LB3 AR material.

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