Desain, Perancangan dan Uji Alat Press Hydraulic Dengan Kondisi Tekanan 300 Kg/m2 Untuk Menghasilkan Minyak Kelapa

Usman Usman, Muhtadin Muhtadin


This study aims at designing press devices using Hydraulic with a pressure of 318.3 Kg / m2 which is used as a coconut press tool to produce oil. This research refers to experimental research that demands a development of science and technology to produce a product by proving its own processes and performance results. Therefore, experimental research is closely related to testing a hypothesis in order to look for influences, relationships and differences in changes with certain treatments. The results of study on the initial test, the old dried coconut meat with an amount of 5 kg pressed with a pressurized Hydraulic press of 318.3 kg / m2 for 1.5 hours can produce coconut oil as much as 1.5 kg. Whereas if we do not use a press tool or ignore pressure with only 1.3 Kg it spends 5 hours. In the second test, the old dried coconut meat with an amount of 5 kg is pressed for 1 hour, the oil is obtained as much as 1 kg, while manual pressing which ignores the pressure was obtained oil with 1 Kg but takes 3, 5 hours. In the third test, this Hydraulic press which also pressed the old dried coconut meat of 5 Kg for 0.5 hours was obtained oil as much as 0.5 Kg. Whereas with manual pressing that ignores the pressure, the results obtained are also as much as 0.5 kg but with a time of 2 hours. Thus, it can be stated that the use of a Hydraulic press that is pressurized by 318.3 Kg / m2 is able to accelerate working time in producing coconut oil.

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