Kaji Eksperimental Kehilangan Panas Pada Dinding Kompor Biobriket Tak Terisolasi

Muhammad Faisal, Mahyuddin Mahyuddin


Briquette is an alternative fuel derived from coal, sawdust powder, coconut shell, and blotong which can be used as solid fuel. The briquette stove is a utilization tool specifically for several briquettes as household-scale fuel. Heat loss and loss in bio briquette stoves can occur in parts of the wall, especially on un-insulated briquettes. The main purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of the heat transfer rate that occurs in the walls of stoves that are not isolated as a result of the conversion process of bio briquette energy into thermal energy. The method used in this study is the experimental method. The combustion testing on bio briquette stove units by measuring the combustion temperature in 2 (two) parts of the bio briquette stove, namely, on the outer wall (Furnace, Abu Room, Vacuum Room) and on the inner wall (Furnace, Abu Room, Vacuum Room). The greatest heat loss occurred on the walls of the furnace section, amounting to 3213.42 W / m, then on the wall of the ash chamber at 890.15 W / m and on the vacuum wall at 299.18 W / m which all occurred at 5 minutes after the combustion began. This is due to the temperature difference in the inner wall with the outside of the stove that is not isolated so that the temperature can easily move to the environment. Thus, it can be seen that the magnitude of the heat transfer rate on the walls of unisolated bio-briquette stoves is very influential on the performance of bio-briquette stoves. 

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