Kaji Eksperimental Penyerapan Panas Pada Inkubator Telur Dengan Menggunakan Rak Geser Otomatis

Mohd Isa T. Ibrahim, Muhammad Faisal


In designing egg incubators, one must pay big attention especially to maintain a temperature of 38-40 oC and humidity of 50-60% in the hatching room as the temperature and humidity values are in the numbers needed by eggs, and turn eggs every 3-3.5 hours so that the embryo can develop perfectly, from the first day to the 18th day while the 19th day to hatch increases the humidity from 70 to 80 percent to facilitate hatching and turn off the sliding rack until the chicken hatches. The purpose of this research is to get a practical and efficient heating system and can increase the percentage of egg hatching. This research is conducted by collecting data directly to obtain the amount of heat given from the incandescent light bulb, the amount of heat wasted, the temperature level in the hatching room, the level of humidity in the hatching room and the ambient temperature. The energy loss in the Qloss incubator is 497x10-3 KJ / s or 0.497 KJ / s while the energy supplied is 1.533 KJ / s and the energy absorbed by the egg is 1.036 KJ / s. From the results of the study, it was obtained an illustration that the incubator using an automatic sliding rack provided convenience in the process of hatching eggs so that it became more practical and efficient. By using an additional thermostat is to keep the temperature of the hatchery as needed by the egg. With a heater of 4 incandescent light bulbs with a total of 100 Watts for a capacity of 60 grains, it makes an energy-efficient egg incubator because the ignition is not continuous. From the results of the experiment, the success rate of hatching of 30 eggs hatched as many as 24 eggs and only 6 eggs that did not hatch. If it is suppressed, the success rate reaches 80% by regulating temperatures between 38-40 oC.

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