Perancangan dan Uji Kincir Angin Vertikal Darrieus Tipe-H Dengan Daya 0,31 Hp

Mahyuddin Mahyuddin, Usman Usman


Wind is one of the renewable energies that can be developed at this time. Wind energy includes energy that can be reproduced through natural processes. Some advantages of renewable energy such as wind are the sources that are continuously obtained from nature without any environmental pollution. Utilization of wind energy sources as a power plant is one of the efforts to meet the electricity needs that are increasingly increasing, both in the industrial and commercial sectors. To develop this potential, we need a tool for converting wind kinetic energy into electrical energy in the form of windmills that work to rotate an electric generator. The results of test showed that at a minimum wind speed of 4.5 m / s, the rotating windmill reached 746 rpm with a generator rotational speed of 4183 rpm, and at a maximum wind speed of 7.3 m / s, the rotating windmill reached 2953 rpm with generator rotational speed reaches 6850 rpm. 

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