Uji Dan Analisa Pembakaran Pada Ruang Bakar (Combustor) Reaktor Fluidisasi Biomassa Yang Tidak Terisolasi Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Biomassa

Muhtadin Muhtadin, Mohd Isa T. Ibrahim


The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in fluid temperature and combustor wall temperature in the biomass fluidization reactor with wood planes flake fuel, oil palm empty bunches, wood plane powder, coconut husk, rice husk and sawdust. This study refers to the experimental method where the test is carried out directly at the biomass fluidization reactor in the combustor section. The results of this study indicate that, on burning wood chips, heat loss occurs at the 15th second with the value (q) = 16777.68 W / m and also shows the highest level of heat loss at 30 seconds with the value (q) = 26813.33 W / m. In the burning of oil palm empty bunches, heat begins to increase in the 30th second with a temperature of 300oC and in the 40th second with a temperature of 494oC, between the 30th and 40th seconds there is an increase in temperature which is not average due to heat loss. In biomass burning of wood planes powder, heat loss at the combustor occurs at minutes 5:10 with a temperature of 469oC with minutes 5:20 with a temperature of 800oC, the increase occurs not on average. In betel nut burning, heat loss in the combuster occurs at time 2:20 and 2:30 where at that time it can be seen in the table or graph there is an increase that is not average. Heat loss that occurs in burning rice husk biomass occurs at time 1:30 with a temperature of 309oC and at time 1:40 with a temperature of 500oC, here also there is a very significant difference in the average increase in temperature. In sawdust combustion, the increase that does not average occurs at time 0:20 with a temperature of 280oC and at 0:30 with a temperature of 533oC, this also occurs an increase that is not an average. This happens because of unisolated combustor. With the occurrence of heat loss it has an impact on the performance of the biomass fluidization reactor, so that it can be isolated from the cobuster using cement mixed with mashed bricks, with an insulation thickness of 5 cm on the inner wall of the combustor, but the combustor chamber volume decreases to 26780 cm3 (26.8 liters) from 44588 cm3 (44.6 liters) previously.

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